Knowing Christ

We all have deep longings, some of them known only to ourselves.  Paul’s deepest longing was known by everyone: It was simply to know Christ.  Yet didn’t he already know him?  Oh Yes! But his desires was to know him better and better, especially when life wasn’t going well.

When Paul wrote Philippians 3:10 – I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead – he wasn’t participating in a joyful worship service or a happy midweek group with friends; no, he was in jail.  Most of us would have wanted to escape so we could get on with life, but Paul stayed right where he was confident that Christ was there with him.  In fact, wherever Paul was, he knew that Christ was there with him.  In fact, wherever Paul was, he knew that Christ was always present, so he simply kept focusing on the his Lord.

The trouble for many of us is that our spiritual perception quickly gets blurred when the kids start acting up, or the cake gets burned in the oven, or the car won’t start or the money won’t stretch.  But that’s when we simply need to stop-and activities such as personal daily devotions and weekly corporate worship force us to do that.  They give us a clear vision of Christ once again so we can press on to knowing him better and trusting him more.

Don’t settle for anything less than his presence, right where you are.  Whatever you are facing, it can’t be worse than suffering in prison for your faith! Reset your focus on Christ, for it is only in knowing him that we can also experience the power of his resurrection.

4 thoughts on “Knowing Christ

  1. Cindy Sudderth - April 10, 2021

    Great article Debbie! When our mind wanders, we need to remember to re-center back on Christ.

    1. Debbie McGrath - April 10, 2021

      So true!! Daily, hourly, minute by minute I have to remember to re-center back on Christ!
      Thank you,

  2. Nancy Sember - April 10, 2021

    Living Translation Phil. 3:10
    “a.)I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. b.) I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death..”
    To experience the mighty power of His resurrection is my desire. I love seeking for “part a”.
    It’s the “part b”!!!
    How willing am I really-to endure, suffer, die to self, serve others and give up my own rights so that I might truly identify with Jesus?
    To know Christ costs me something. It’s so easy to become complacent, resist current culture and stand for truth.
    To seek “part B”- walking in the power of His resurrection gives me power to live for Christ. Hallelujah! His crucifixion killed my old sin nature. I can’t know true resurrection victory until I personally apply the crucifixion.
    Seeking all of Christ requires some inconvenience, for sure. But I know nothing I suffer can ever compare to what Jesus paid to save me.

    1. Debbie McGrath - April 10, 2021

      Beautiful words to add to the post!
      Thank you,

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