Proverbs 2 – Get Real with God


As we read Proverbs 2 today, we learn that if we really want to know God we must seek after His wisdom. In verses 1-6, Solomon gives us explicit instructions on how to obtain wisdom from God.

  1. Receive God’s word by reading it and listening with your ears as well as your heart. Knowing God’s word enables you to filter your life through the Bible.
  2. Treasure God’s word by studying and mediating.  This is not a once-a-week hobby it is the daily discipline of being in the word.
  3. Cry out to the Holy Spirit who helps you apply the Bible to your life, as He whispers His love and direction for you.
  4. Expect God to reveal new truths to you as you search His word. Be excited to share with others the new spiritual wisdom you have discovered by being in the word.
  5. Applying God’s word to your life by asking God what are you saying to me today? Do I need to make changes? Do I need to take action? Applying God’s word to your lives let’s others see what godly living looks like.

Wisdom is God’s gift to you.  But He gives it only to those who earnestly seek it.  But because God’s wisdom is hidden from the rebellious and foolish, it takes effort to find it and use it. The pathway to wisdom is strenuous.  When you are on the path, you will discover that true wisdom is God’s and that He will guide you and reward your sincere and persistent search.



1 thought on “Proverbs 2 – Get Real with God

  1. Cindy Sudderth - January 2, 2021

    God’s Word is such a treasure and His Wisdom is beyond measure. Great message Debbie!

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